Wednesday, 12 July 2017 Written by Super User Category: news english Hits: 4889


All praises to Allah and peace and blessings on His Prophet (s).

I got to know Ghana a bit more, yet I still don’t understand many things. Christianity is so strong, so many different groups and beautiful churches: the most frequent advertisement is the prayer events. Subhan Allah, in Ivory Coast the new year is the time for feasting and debauchery, but in Ghana we only see night prayer announcements for that special time, as if the whole country enters new year with prayer. I don’t know how this country got there, but that makes less debauchery and alcohol in the country, as it is very rare to meet nightclubs and bars. The Christians and Muslims live together without problem as if the other did not exist.

My second remark is the situation of Muslims: this community seems to have no leader and the clearest sign is that there is no Islamic radio. Maybe because of the language barrier: except for schools, wherever we preach needs translation, and at least 4 different languages are used by Muslims; so this makes each ethnic group to live on its own and think the development of Islam within its community alone, so there is no strategy for Islam in the country.

We struggled so much in the first campaign in 2014 and left a group working. This time, on our arrival, there were 5 ruqya centres in Ghana: 2 in Accra, Koumaci, Tamale and Yendi. Many campaigns had been carried through the country but the most important achievement was the registering of the NGO Quran Cures Ghana, then obtaining the status of Clinic, that allow us to have legal practice and to cooperate with doctors and hospitals.
This time we didn’t struggle any more, it is our raqis in Ghana that struggled to organize everything. The campaign took place in those cities where we have centres. We had 3 different situations. In the north part, Tamale and Yendi, this is a Dagbani area, a branch of the Burkina Faso Mosi ethnics, the response of the population was great ma sha Allah, so we were very active treating and training people. So we went on with our further programs: treating schools, visiting prisons and doctors. We treated 3 schools alhamdu lillah, one of them I filmed entirely: a school of 2000 students, the girls were gathered in the masjid that was full, and the boys sitting outside. After the preaching about ruqya, as soon as we started the catching, the girls began to fall – the problem was daily in the school – and we continued catching for about 3 hours until everything was over. During the catching, one of the girls was helping us, preaching the djinns and pushing them to leave; even the other girls called her whenever they need help for a girl possessed, she was really amazing ma sha Allah. When we finished, she came to see me and said: “I am shaykh Muhammad. Me and my sister came to help you”. I said: “You are shaykh Muhammad?” She said: “Yes”. I said: “You are a djinn?” She said: “Yes”, then went away. May Allah bless the Muslim djinns fighting for Islam. As I said previously, this is the clearest proof we have of the reality of djinn catching. When we spoke to the director about djinn catching, he had his degree in Sharia in Madina then Doctorate in Riyadh, and he was leading the Sunni movement for over 20 years, he said: “Yes, Abu Hurayra caught the djinn! That is enough proof for the djinn catching!” Ma sha Allah, such a clear and simple understanding. In sha Allah I hope to reduce the time of this video, like putting one minute out of ten, then put it on internet.

We visited a prison in Yendi, it was really heart breaking. All the prisoners – around 70 - were gathered very calmly and respectfully. When I mentioned the ruqya symptoms, they all had them. Some had sihr and djinns from their parents, so since childhood everything was bad in their lives until they ended in jail, and some had it done during their lives so at one point in life everything went wrong and they got in prison. So we left them the poster: ‘How to treat yourself’, and ‘The 5 shirks’ and their imam was there to help them do the treatments. We really hope that will help them return to a normal life after they finish their sentences. We want to continue visiting all prisons this way, and as we cannot film in the prisons, we have to write reports of our visit and get it signed by the prison authorities so we can show our work and maybe get it subsidised. As you noticed, printing and selling or giving the posters for treatment and shirk with our contacts is excellent for propagating ruqya and getting us known, better than distributing leaflets after preaching.

The visit to the doctors was a great moment and a historical breakthrough in ruqya. We were supposed to meet 4 responsible people in Yendi’s public hospital, but the room was full with 60 workers of all kinds in the hospital. After the Power Point presentation of our work and after exposing our demands, they were so happy and were all emphasizing how true these mystic illnesses are and how happy they are to get an Islamic solution. As I said, because we have the status of clinic in Ghana, we are legally entitled to offer our services to medical workers, so we might as well keep going around doctors and hospitals explaining how we can help them.

Another breakthrough in ruqya happened in Yendi. I gave the Thursday evening bayan in Tabligh Markaz. The responsible told me he wants me to explain the spiritual program. I said: “How do you know about the spiritual program?” He showed me the book, he bought it that morning. Yes, I already said my centres need to sell my books and products like the posters, and this campaign in Ghana was the occasion to print the ruqya book and the spiritual program. I said: “But did you know about the spiritual program before today?” He said he already saw it on Utube. I said: “It’s amazing, I wanted to do exactly the same thing for the bayan!” But the new thing is that I changed the presentation of the Spiritual program into 6 questions, so enjoy the video. But the amazing thing is that after the bayan, and the markaz responsible told me they give me full time until I finish, the brothers started asking for the catching and we had to fetch for the catcher and do it for the whole Markaz before the duaa. Oh the Shayateen really don’t like Tabligh work and work seriously on destroying it, so we need to pray every night for Allah’s protection.

The second situation is Accra: despite 2 TV programs, radio program, preaching in many mosques every day, we had very little patients. So the strategy there is to get my products translated in local languages. The Hausa for instance, are a community very strong in religion that don’t accept a foreigner teaching them Islam, and they have so many raqis abusing people. So my courses and tafseers have to be translated in Hausa and put on a website so anyone can download them on his phone; that way people will progressively know about me and my work. So that is worth for all those who read me and have communities speaking other languages. Alhamdu lillah, we now have the ruqya book in Bosnian language. The second action we decided is to have the brothers speaking local languages going around the mosques for preaching and putting the posters in each mosque. The third one is to work on the students through Islamic Student Organizations by giving them my products: books, tafseers, posters and activity programs such as the one-day program you find attached. So that’s a long term program to get the ruqya going in Accra. The third situation was in Koumaci: the centre there is run by the brothers from Tamale and Accra, with hardly any help from local people. And same as in 2014, despite all our efforts in radios, mosques and multiple visits we had very few patients and learners. So the solution there is not to have a centre, and not come from distant cities to run the centre without local people helping. When we have a centre, it is one of our goals to open centres everywhere, but the way to do it is not to go ourselves and invest our time and money into opening centres, but when we receive patients or learners from other cities, we plan with them to visit their cities to treat and train people and they should organize the place and give the information, until they are ready to open a centre there. So our strategy in Koumaci was to tell our raqis to stop going there and rather put their efforts in their own centres and cities. Yet, by Allah’s Mercy, some very serious and active brothers came from that city to Accra for training and said they didn’t know about our campaign until we left and they are 15 willing to learn; alhamdu lillah for His Nusrat.

Two events happened in this period: we visited an imam in Ivory Coast who was preaching against djinn catching. He said he accompanied someone for ruqya, and the catcher started telling him he had magic done on him by his second imam and described that man very precisely; so from that day, he is against djinn catching. We are totally against the fact of telling who did the sihr, and if the djinn says it, or the catcher has a vision or anyone has a dream, that is not a proof Islam can accept, so accusing people on this basis is a calumny. That catcher and his pilot happen not to be our raqis, so they learnt it with us or on their own and went on doing things their own way. So you see how this behaviour can endanger the whole group. For these similar cases, we ae advancing in the organisation of exams to deliver diplomas to our raqis that will differentiate them from others. The other incident occurred in Benin Republic. A family came to our raqis to ask who did the sihr to them. They refused to answer this question so they went to some dissident raqis of ours. They did the catching and gave them names and description of whoever they accused of doing the magic. They recorded it and went on showing it to people. So the people that were accused called the police on them and those raqis were put in jail, but one run away. Then the police came to our raqis and saw our legal papers and our method and the judge declared that no other raqi than us would be allowed to practice ruqya and the chief of the police came for training. So that is how it is important to follow our rules in ruqya and country regulations for traditional healing or herbalists.

May Allah accept us and use for the good of Islam and Muslims.